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Aglaonema pictum 'Tricolour' NON TC. This variety is different to the tissue cultured variety in circulation.

Aglaonema pictum 'Tricolour' NON TC

PriceFrom $70.00
  • Aglaonemas

    Aglaonemas are slow growing tropical aroids native to Asia and Papua New Guinea. They are ‘true tropicals’ and generally do not tolerate cool temperatures, making them an ideal house plant or understory plant in tropical areas. There are several species, inter genus hybrids and cultivars available in a range of beautiful colours.

    Propagation is by seed, division or tip cutting.

    Fresh tip cuttings are placed upright into most sphagnum moss or vermiculate and need to be kept warm and humid until new roots develop. Large, multi stemmed plants can be divided and planted up. Seeds usually require hand pollination. Successfully pollinated seeds must be planted fresh onto a moist growing medium and kept warm and humid.

    Aglaonemas are tolerant of very low light conditions, which will bring out their colourations. Leaves exposed to too much light will fade and burn. The mix needs to be moist but never water logged - make sure the mix is course and free draining. Liquid feed every six weeks at half strength as some varieties are intolerant of excessive fertilisers.

    Although generally pest free, specimens grown indoors may come under attack. Treat insect problems with systemic insecticide as per the manufacturers recommendations. Plants that are allowed too much moisture will develop rot and fungal issues. Ensure adequate drainage and airflow and these problems will be minimal.

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